Fallout 3 you only live once
Fallout 3 you only live once

fallout 3 you only live once

In all endings, you'll be the faction leader of the faction you assist. All minor faction endings are dealt with on a case by case basis. The main story concludes in such a vague way to make-up for the Fallout 3 ending, where you conclude the stories of all the various factions. In the game files, the endings are "Endgame_FEMALE_A.bk2" and "Endgame_FEMALE_B.bk2" and of course, a male counterpart for each. If you want to do side-quests for all four factions, then you’ll need to do them before you conclude the main story. The only impact is the state the world is in afterwards and who you can and can’t do questions for. All roads lead to one cutscene, which only varies slightly.

Fallout 3 you only live once